BaubleBar has launched and released a new series of Disney Pins. This new series is a Celebration series and includes Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Pluto and Goofy pins. These are open edition Disney pins. And, BaubleBar pins are officially licensed Disney pins.

Baublebar Mickey Mouse Disney Music Celebration Pin
Baublebar Mickey Mouse Disney Music Celebration Pin - Back of Pin

Each pin is made of hard enamel and is gold plated. These new Baublebar pins also feature glitter details with the Disney characters in celebration poses. The Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse & Daisy Duck, Donald Duck & Pluto and Goofy pins are $12 each. The Disney Party Time Bus pin is $15 (see more details below). Pins are approximately 2″ tall.

Baublebar Donald Duck & Pluto Disney Celebration Pin
Baublebar Minnie Mouse & Daisy Duck Celebration Pin
Baublebar Goofy Disney Celebration Pin
Baublebar Mickey Mouse & Friends Disney Party Pin

The Goofy Disney Celebration Pin is designed with bursts of color and a spinning balloon.

The Disney Party Time Bus pin features glitter details and spinning wheels. Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck and Daisy Duck are riding in the party time bus with Mickey shaped balloons floating out of the windows. The retail price for the Party Time Bus pin is $15.

You can find all of these pins on Baublebar’s website. Plus Baublebar has a lot of Disney jewelry and headbands. And, they offer free shipping on orders over $75.

More Disney Pins News

To learn about the latest Disney Pins news, check out these recent blog posts:

And as always, I’ll “see ya real soon” Mouseketeers!

*Price listed on at the time of publication of this blog post.

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