Pixar Bao is an animated short film that was released with the Disney-Pixar film The Incredibles 2 on June 15, 2018. The short film is about an aging Chinese mother who is feeling alone after her child moves out. But, she gets a second chance at motherhood when one of her dumplings comes to life.

Now, you can nurture your own little dumpling with this new Pixar Bao Collection from Loungefly. The collection includes a mini-backpack, crossbody bag, wallet, collector box pin, lanyard with cardholder, keychain and a mystery box pin set. All items are scheduled to be released in April 2024 but can be Pre-Ordered Now!

Disney Pixar Bao Bamboo Steamer Mini-Backpack

First, the Pixar Bao mini-backpack features the happy dumpling resting in a bamboo steamer basket on the zipper pocket while wallpaper details appear above. Turn the bag around to see soy sauce, chopsticks, and potstickers on the side pockets while a teapot appears on the back of the backpack.

Disney Pixar Bao Bamboo Steamer Mini-Backpack
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Disney Pixar Bao Bamboo Steamer Mini-Backpack-2
Disney Pixar Bao Bamboo Steamer Mini-Backpack-3


Disney Pixar Bao Bamboo Steamer Mini-Backpack

Disney Pixar Bao Bamboo Steamer Zip-Around Wallet & Keychain

Next, the collection includes a Pixar Bao Wallet and Keychain to go with your mini-backpack.

Disney Pixar Bao Bamboo Steamer Crossbody Bag & Lanyard

And if you prefer a crossbody bag over a mini-backpack, Loungefly has you covered. The collection also includes a crossbody bag and a lanyard with a cardholder.

The mini-backpack, crossbody bag and wallet are all made of vegan leather. The mini-backpack and crossbody bag both have adjustable shoulder straps and all three feature shiny gold hardware. Additional details include applique, debossed, and printed details for all three items.

Disney Pixar Bao Bamboo Steamer Collector Box Pin & Mystery Pin Box

And for the pin collectors, like myself, the Pixar Bao collection also includes a 3″ Collector Box Pin and a Mystery Pin Box set. The Collector Box pin has a Limited Edition size of 1,900. And, each Mystery Pin Box contains one randomly selected mystery pin. There are 6 different pins in the mystery box collection including a Chase Pin.

The Mystery Pin Box can be ordered as a case of 12 for $120.00 or as a 3-Pack of Mystery Boxes for $30.00

You can pre-order the Pixar Bao Loungefly collection from EntertainmentEarth.com by using my Affiliate links in this post.** Entertainment Earth currently states pre-orders will ship in April 2024 and they offer free shipping within the USA with code WINTER79. Enter the code during your checkout to receive free shipping.

Entertainment Earth also offers 10% off for new customers who subscriber to their mailing list. You can sign up directly on their website EntertainmentEarth.com.

Are you a fan of the Pixar short film Bao? And will you be showing off your Bao style at a Disney Park once this collection has been released.? Let me know! I would love to hear from you.

And as always, I’ll “See ya real soon” Mouseketeers!

*Price listed on Entertainment Earth at the time of publication of this blog post.

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