On November 22, 2023, Disney’s newest animated classic feature film Wish was released in theaters. The film introduced several new loveable characters to the Disney family including Asha, Valentino and Star. And with any new Disney animated movie release, new pins are also released including open edition and limited edition pins. The following pins are now available at the Disneyland Resort, Walt Disney World Resort and shopDisney.com (click the images below to go directly to the shopDisney.com listing).

Star Light-Up Pin

Disney Wish Star Light-Up Pin

First, there is a boxed Star Light-Up open edition pin. Press the button on the back of the pin and watch Star light-up and twinkle just like a star in the sky. The pin comes in a window display box and includes the Disney Pin Trading 2023 backstamp and Mickey icon pin backs. The pin also includes two CR927 3v button cell batteries. Retail price is $16.99.

Disney Wish Limited Edition Jumbo Pin

Disney Wish Limited Edition Jumbo Pin

Next, the Disney Wish Jumbo Pin features Asha, Valentino and Star. This limited edition of 5,000 pin features a pin-on-pin design and comes in a window display box. The pin includes the Disney Pin Trading 2023 backstamp and Mickey icon pin backs. Retail price is $39.99.

Valentino & Star 2-Pin Set

Disney Wish Valentino & Star 2-Pin Set

The Disney Wish Valentino & Star pin set features laser print detailing and includes 2 pins: a Valentino pin and a Star pin. This limited release pin set comes on a Disney Pins Limited Release card with iridescent gold foil accents. The pin includes the Disney Pin Trading 2023 backstamp and Mickey icon pin backs. Retail price is $24.99.

Asha and Star Pin

Disney Wish Asha and Star Pin

Lastly, the Disney Wish Asha & Star open edition pin set features laser print detailing and comes on Disney Pins white card. The pin includes the Disney Pin Trading 2023 backstamp and Mickey icon pin backs. Retail price is $14.99.

Contact Me

Have you seen Disney’s Wish in theaters yet? If so, what did you think of Disney’s 62nd animated classic feature film? And will you be purchasing the Disney Wish pins? Are you excited for these pin? Let me know! I would love to hear from you.

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