On this day in 1901, Walt Disney was born to Elias and Flora Disney in Chicago, Illinois (Hermosa neighborhood). Today, we celebrate Walt Disney, the man who gave us so much magic, imagination, lovable characters, a place to play no matter how old we are and so much more.
Walt was a dreamer! He was a man ahead of his time. He had so much imagination and nothing seemed out of his reach. He gave us the first fully synchronized sound cartoon, Steamboat Willie starring Mickey and Minnie Mouse in 1928. The first full-length and color animated feature film, Snow White in 1937. The first theme park, Disneyland in 1955. And so much more (I could go on and on!). He was always planning, dreaming and imagining the next project, even before his current project was complete.
Even though Walt died before Walt Disney World began construction, he was the one with the idea and the one who bought the land in Florida. Actually, as the story goes, he asked his brother Roy to finish the Florida project on his death bed. So, if it wasn’t for Walt buying the land and imagining what could be done with that land, we probably would not have Walt Disney World today.
One thing I really love when I hear stories about Walt is that even if he did not have the money do something, he would find a way. This man would reinvest every penny he made to make another dream come true. That is a risk that most of us would never take, but a risk that he wasn’t afraid to take. So when I hear these stories about Walt, it just fills my heart with so much joy that this man never stopped believing and reaching for the stars no matter what it cost him.
This year, the Walt Disney Company celebrated 100 Years of Wonder! On October 16, 1923, Walt and Roy Disney (Walt’s older brother) started the Walt Disney Company which began the Disney legacy that we all know and love today. So that is why today, we celebrate the man behind the magic, imagination and dreams.
I recently took a tour of the Walt Disney Studios in Burbank, California and was so excited to take this picture with the Partners Statue on the Studio lot.

Thank you Walt for all the joy that you have brought to my life. Even though Walt Disney passed away long before I was born, the characters, projects, movies and so much more that he gave to the world during his lifetime have been cherished and loved by me ever since I can remember – especially that little mouse named Mickey who has been one of my best friends for my entire life.
Happy Birthday Walt Disney!