Do you like trivia? Are you a Disney trivia buff? If so, you are going to love our weekly Disney Trivia.

This weeks trivia quiz celebrates the 70th Anniversary of Lady and the Tramp. This June, the film will celebrate 70 years since its original release in theaters on June 22, 1955.

Disney Lady and the Tramp

Lady and the Tramp Trivia

Test your Disney knowledge! How well do you know Walt Disney Animation Studios' Lady and the Tramp?

Take our trivia quiz to see how you do!

1 / 12

Jim Dear gives his wife a puppy in what?

2 / 12

Lady is proud to show off an object to her friends Jock & Trusty. What is the object?

3 / 12

Where does Lady sleep at night?

4 / 12

Trusty quotes his Grandpappy in the movie. What is his Grandpappy's name?

5 / 12

When Aunt Sarah comes to visit, she brings her cats. What is the breed of her cats?

6 / 12

Aunt Sarah puts a muzzle on Lady. Where does Tramp take Lady to get the muzzle removed.

7 / 12

At the pound, Lady meets a few other dogs. What is the name of the dog who sings at the pound?

8 / 12

What famous 1940's and 50's singer provided the voice of Peg, one of the dogs Lady meets at the pound.

9 / 12

What food does Lady and the Tramp share on their date?

10 / 12

What is Tramp's nickname for Lady?

11 / 12

What animal does Tramp kill in the nursery?

12 / 12

At the end of the movie, Lady has puppies. How many puppies does she give birth to?

Your score is

The average score is 93%


Watch Lady and the Tramp on Disney+!

And, check back every week for a new Disney trivia quiz. To view our previous Disney weekly trivia, click here.

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